
registro: 16/08/2007
Cada hombre quiere ser el primer amor de una mujer, cada mujer quiere ser el ultimo amor de un hombre.
Próximo nível: 
Pontos necessários: 197
Último jogo


2 anos 237 dias h



I look back on these years
To see how far I've come and grown,
I take a trip down memory lane,
And what I see has shown ...

That every step I've taken,
You have been there by my side ...
From infancy to adulthood,
We've stood the test of time.

You cradled me and nurtured me,
Through all these many years;
You held me and did comfort me,
Through happiness and tears.

You'd pick me up when I would fall,
You'd dust me off and then,
Encourage me to get back on
That horse and ride again.

Your constant care and loving,
And your warm inviting heart,
Has always been a treasure that
I knew would n'er depart.

If I could be "just half" the person
You have been to me ...
Then you have taught me well dear mom,
For in my heart I see ...

A woman whose most gentle soul,
Embraces me each day ...
A woman whom I dearly love,
Much more than words can say.

THE SEA !!!!!!!

Early in the morning,
On a lonely summer's day,
I walked along the beach
While the children were at play.

It was a calm, gray morning;
Warm, but not too hot,
And as I searched the Ocean's face,
I found something I thought I would not.

I stepped into the shallow Sea,
Curling my toes against the cold.
Feeling the water hug my legs,
My heart grew bright and bold.

The tide pulled in and out,
Bringing my soul along:
And as the sun shone on the waves,
I heard the endless song.

It started as a gentle rumble,
Rising up from the Ocean bed:
But before the music ended,
It was a roaring in my head.

She sang of sorrow, pain, and hate,
Of joy and heart-felt glee,
Of love that was betrayed and lost,
She bared her soul to me.

The centuries of her life
Swam swiftly through my mind.
I touched my cheeks to find them wet,
I found I had been blind.

I dried my eyes, washed my face,
And stepped slowly to the shore;
I took my children in my arms,
And began to weep once more.

They quickly asked me what was wrong,
I said, 'Nothing, Mommy's fine.'
I went back home and lived my life,
But remembering that day on the shoreline.

I'm an old woman now:
My children all are grown.
I feel heavy and much too cold,
And weary to the bone.

I have a cottage by the Sea,
And though my body's worn:
I walk her shores every day,
For this is where my soul was born.


If life was a dream,
You'd be here with me
Laughing, hand in hand!!!
Smiling for all to see.

If life was a dream
Together we'd grow old,
Still making future plans
Forgetting years stole.

If life was a dream,
Sun would never fade alone
Darkness simply surrenders.
To love you have shown!!!

If life was a dream
No tear would fall from eyes
No prayer will go unheard
True love could never die

If life was a dream
I'd be back in your arms
Kissing your sweet lips
Safe from all life's harms

If life was a dream
I'd never feel alone
Pain would not exist
For you would be home....

If life was a dream,
No plans would be betrayed
Love will shower everywhere
No need to be afraid ....

If life was a dream,
Why would I need to sleep?
When I have you by my side,
And your heart to keep!!!!!!!


Beautiful little butterfly
With your fragile wings
Fluttering flower to flower
Natures song you sing

Your life seems so happy
Peaceful and carefree
Not many worries
When you can fly so free

So many beautiful flowers
Being able to pick and choose
Drinking of sweet nectar
All the lovely colors and hues

What a wondrous creation
Perfect in every way
Sitting and watching for hours
Bringing smiles to many days

Having your grace and beauty
If only for one day
Seeing the world from your eyes
How sweet, just fly away

Leave pain and sickness behind
Float aimlessly in the breeze
Drinking from the flowers
Playing tag with the bees,

all i want is to be set free...

flying away from the tall trees !!!!


Left heartbroken so many times,
By people thought of as the one,
Only now I'm thinking of you,
Knowing our love has just begun

It seems I no longer worry,
About my heart breaking in two,
Finally I'm living in happiness,
As I'm falling in love with you

I sit and recall your sweet scent,
As a smile is painted on my face,
I'm basking in total contentment,
As I think of your beauty and grace

Seems no one has ever struck me,
In the ways of your beautiful soul,
My heart beats only for you,
And it's beating out of control

Butterflies build in my stomach,
My heart is leaping in my chest,
Never have I been so euphoric,
It's me that loves you best

There's no need to ever worry,
For we will always be together,
God painted the perfect picture,
With our love lasting forever